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Best car insurance companies for February 2023

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The best car insurance companies February 2023

The best auto insurance companies offer rates, coverage options, discounts, dozens of third parties, and digital tools to suit your individual needs. Our research revealed that these 10 insurance companies are some of the best car insurance companies available. We've highlighted each company's advantage to help you determine which insurance company best suits your specific needs. Your car insurance needs are unique depending on your situation, so understanding those needs and shopping around can be an important step when searching for the best car insurance.

How we chose the best car insurance companies

We used our auto insurance expertise and comprehensive data to evaluate the insurance industry landscape to provide an easy-to-use shopping and comparison tool for consumers. Besides reviewing each company's coverage options, discounts, digital features and third-party scores, we used Quadrant Information Services to get up-to-date average price information for both full and minimum coverage. We have combined this information into a Bank Score out of an overall score of 5.0. The higher a company's Bank Rate Score, the more competitive the company is in the rankings in each score category. Our picks highlight car insurance companies that:

Create a 4.0 or higher bank rate score

Earn a JD Power claims satisfaction score within 20 points of the industry average or higher in the 2022 US Automotive Claims Satisfaction Study

It carries a financial strength rating of “Excellent” or “Outstanding” from AM Best

Have a strong digital presence with an easy-to-use mobile app or digital policy management features

Considered by Bankrate to be the best in a given market category

Top 10 car insurance companies

Best auto insurance companies by state

While we stand by our picks for the best auto insurance companies nationwide, it's important to know that the best insurance companies can vary by state. To determine the best car insurance company in your state, you'll likely need to look at more than just each carrier's average cost of car insurance. Rate is only one part of your policy, and while important, it's not the only aspect of the company you should review. For example, third-party customer satisfaction scores can vary widely between regions, so while you may choose one company in one region, it may not meet your needs in another. Bankrate conducted extensive research into the auto insurance markets in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. and evaluated the largest carriers by market share using our Bankrate Score method. 

Compare the best auto insurance companies by state

Average full annual premiums and minimum auto coverage based on a 40-year-old driver with a clean driving record and good credit.

What are the different types of car insurance?

One of the first steps to finding the best car insurance for you is understanding your needs. This starts with learning about the main coverage options available and how these options work together to provide financial protection. 

Bodily injury liability coverage pays for injuries you accidentally cause to others in an accident.
Property damage liability coverage pays for damage you cause to another person's vehicle or other property (such as a fence, pole, or building) in an accident caused by an at-fault.
Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage pays for your injuries (and, in some states, damage to your property) if they are caused by a driver who lacks adequate coverage or any coverage at all.
Personal injury protection (PIP), also known as no-fault insurance and only available in certain states, pays for medical expenses you and your passengers incur following an accident, regardless of fault. It also calculates non-medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident, such as lost wages or the cost of child care. 
Medical payments coverage is similar to PIP insurance coverage but only includes payments for medical expenses. Required in some countries and optional in others.
Comprehensive coverage covers damage to your vehicle due to non-collision-related losses such as fire, theft, vandalism, and storm damage. The Comprated Program also pays compensation for damages resulting from collisions with animals and cracked windshields.
Collision coverage covers damage to your vehicle caused by a collision. If you are hit by a car, tree, pole, building or other pedestrian, your collision coverage is the part of the policy that will pay for the damage to your car.
These are the main types of auto insurance coverage, but there are more types of auto insurance coverage available that may be worth discussing with your insurance company. For example, you might consider adding gap insurance if you buy a newer car or ride-sharing coverage if you drive for a company like Uber or Lyft. Additionally, each state has its own auto insurance laws, and every driver is unique. Speaking with a licensed agent can help you determine the best types of auto insurance coverage and limits for your needs.

What factors affect your car insurance options?

There are other factors that greatly influence your auto insurance company choices. Each insurance company has underwriting metrics that affect your eligibility and rate. 

Driving Record: If you have a history of accidents, tickets, or DUI convictions, you may find fewer companies to choose from since high-risk drivers are not eligible for coverage from every carrier.
Age and driving experience: Younger drivers have less experience on the road, resulting in a higher accident rate. This can often lead to higher car insurance rates. Unless you're in Hawaii or Massachusetts, which prohibit age as a rating factor, the best driver company that insures young drivers may be one that offers student or telematics discounts to offset premium increases.
الولاية والمدينة: لدى الولايات قوانين تأمين مختلفة وإحصاءات الحوادث ومعدلات الجريمة وتكاليف المعيشة. لهذا السبب ، قد لا تتوفر شركات التأمين في ولايات معينة أو حتى في بعض المدن أو الرموز البريدية.
طراز السيارة وطرازها: يتميز كل طراز وطراز للمركبة بميزات فريدة تؤثر على احتمالية وقوع الحوادث وخطورة الحوادث وتكلفة إصلاح السيارة نفسها. لهذا السبب ، قد لا تؤمن شركات التأمين أنواعًا معينة من المركبات.
درجة التأمين على أساس الائتمان: في معظم الولايات ، تُستخدم عناصر تاريخك الائتماني لتحديد مدى احتمالية تقديمك للمطالبة ، مما قد يؤثر على معدلك وأهليتك لدى شركات معينة. 
تاريخ انقضاء التأمين: نظرًا لأن معظم الولايات تطلب من السائقين الحصول على الحد الأدنى من مستويات التغطية على الأقل ، يمكن أن تؤدي ثغرات التأمين إلى أقساط أعلى عندما تأخذ بوليصة مرة أخرى. قد تعتبر أيضًا من المخاطر الأعلى ولديك خيارات أقل عند التسوق لشركات التأمين على السيارات.

تعرف على كيفية العثور على أفضل الأسعار للتأمين على السيارات

على الرغم من أنه لا يمكنك التحكم في بعض العوامل المستخدمة لتحديد سعر التأمين على سيارتك ، إلا أن هناك بعض الأشياء التي يمكنك القيام بها للمساعدة في تأمين سعر تنافسي:
التسوّق: تستخدم شركات التأمين على السيارات خوارزميات تصنيف فريدة لتحديد قسطك ، لذلك ستحصل على سعر مختلف مع كل شركة نقل. يمكن أن يكون التسوق مبكرًا - حتى شهر قبل تاريخ التجديد - مفيدًا ، حيث يتيح لك الوقت لجمع عروض الأسعار واتخاذ القرار. تطلب معظم الشركات دفعة مقدمة شهرًا على الأقل ، لذا تأكد من حساب ذلك في ميزانيتك.
الاستفادة من الخصومات: قد تجد سعرًا أقل إذا حصلت على عرض أسعار من شركة تقدم العديد من الخصومات التي يمكنك تطبيقها على وثيقتك
المشاركة في برنامج تقنيات المعلومات: خصومات Telematics هي برامج تتبع عادات القيادة الخاصة بك. إذا كنت سائقًا آمنًا ، فيمكنك توفير قسطك.
احتفظ بسجل قيادة نظيف: الحوادث والتذاكر الناتجة عن الخطأ هي علامات تدل على أنك قد تنخرط في سلوكيات قيادة محفوفة بالمخاطر ويمكن أن تزيد من أسعارك بشكل كبير.
ضع في اعتبارك سيارتك: على الرغم من أنها ليست الخطوة الأكثر عملية للجميع ، يمكنك التفكير في شراء سيارة مختلفة إذا كنت بحاجة إلى خفض أسعارك بشكل كبير.
ضع توقعات واقعية: على سبيل المثال ، إذا كان لديك وثيقة إثبات الهوية الوحيدة في سجلك ، فمن المحتمل أن تكون نسختك من القسط التنافسي أعلى من شخص لديه سجل قيادة نظيف.

ما هي مقاييس رضا العملاء التي يجب أن تفكر فيها؟

قد لا يكون واضحًا مثل خيارات السعر أو التغطية ، ولكن رضا العملاء لا يقل أهمية عن تلك المقاييس الأخرى عندما تتسوق من أجل تأمين السيارة. بعد كل شيء ، تريد التأكد من أن شركتك موجودة من أجلك عندما تكون في أمس الحاجة إليها - عندما تقدم مطالبة. توفر وكالات التصنيف التابعة لجهات خارجية ، التي تحافظ على الحياد ، أساسًا لفهم المستوى العام للخدمة للشركة ، وعدد الشكاوى ، وتقييمات القوة المالية. تساعدك هذه المقاييس في الحصول على نظرة أعمق لأداء الناقل ويمكن أن تساعدك في اختيار شركة بناءً على أكثر من مجرد سعر مقتبس. يساعد ذلك في ضمان العثور على شركة نقل تلبي جميع احتياجاتك. لتحديد مستوى خدمة الشركة ، ضع في اعتبارك اتخاذ الخطوات التالية:
Look at JD Power's scores: JD Power is a data analytics company that conducts several annual reviews of the auto insurance industry, ranging from customer and claims satisfaction to digital tool satisfaction. JD Power is a trusted name in the industry, and its reviews—particularly those that apply specifically to your area—can help you choose a carrier based on customer satisfaction.
Consider the NAIC Complaint Index: The NAIC keeps a record of customer complaints made about insurance companies and compiles them into a complaints index. The index of 1.00 is the baseline number of complaints expected in a given year. A rating below 1.00 indicates complaints below average, and conversely, a rating above 1.00 indicates complaints more than average. 
AM Best Financial Strength Ratings Review: AM Best Historical Financial Strength Ratings of various companies, specialized in the insurance industry. A financial strength rating gives you an idea of ​​a company's past ability to pay claims. A higher financial strength rating may indicate that the company has historically been financially stable.
Talk to current policyholders: If you know someone who has their car insurance with a company you're considering, ask them about their experience. You can inquire about the general service, billing and payment service, and claims service to find out what insurance looks like with that company.

Auto insurance industry trends

Inflation has been a major news topic for months and for good reason. In a September 2022 Bankrate survey, 55% of Americans said their income was unable to keep up with the rising cost of household expenses, including insurance premiums. Bankrate's proprietary rate data indicates that the average cost of full coverage auto insurance rose from $1,771 per year in 2022 to $2,014 per year in 2023. That's a 14 percent increase, and rates are expected to continue rising throughout 2023. Insurance rates are reactionary - claims become more expensive, and companies increase premiums in response. This means that even if inflation calms, we will likely feel the impact of higher rates for a while. 

As insurance premiums continue to rise, it's important to understand how auto insurance costs will be affected. If you are facing a premium increase when you renew your next policy, it may be worth considering purchasing a new auto insurance company. But price isn't everything. As the costs of car repairs and medical care increase, finding the best coverage for your needs is also crucial. Ensuring you have adequate coverage can help reduce the financial risks of being underinsured. Bankrate's editorial team continues to monitor the insurance industry and talk to industry experts.

Industry experts think so 

Bankrate spoke with three auto insurance industry experts to get insight into the current environment.

Bankrate uses Quadrant Information Services to analyze 2023 rates for zip codes and carriers in all 50 states, and Washington, D.C. rates are weighted based on population density in each geographic area. Rates quoted are based on a 40-year-old driver with a clean driving record, good credit, and the following full coverage limits:
$100,000 bodily injury liability per person
$300,000 bodily injury liability per accident
$50,000 for property damage liability per accident
$100,000 uninsured motorist injury per person
$300,000 in uninsured motorist injuries per accident
$500 collision deductible
$500 for comprehensive discount
To determine minimum coverage limits, Bankrate used the minimum coverage that meets each state's requirements. Our basic profile drivers own a 2021 Toyota Camry, commute five days a week and drive 12,000 miles annually. 
These are sampling rates and should only be used for comparison purposes. 
Additional car insurance ratings methodologies



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